Beginning with the collective reform represented for the Church by the Second Vatican Council, the Trinitarian Order began a strong process of renewal, search for its own identity, recovery of the founder’s charism and response to the signs and challenges of our time.
The Trinitarian Order offers a service of mercy and redemption: to those persecuted because of their faith in Christ; to the poor and suffering; to the imprisoned and those whose dignity and basic rights are trampled upon; and to the people who still do not believe in Christ.
Let the brothers strive to live in community life that perfect communion that exists between the divine Persons, expressing unity in plurality and plurality in unity. The Trinitarian community is born and grows in intimate communion with God.
The mystery of the Trinity is considered by the brothers especially as God-Love, and therefore as the primary source, highest example and ultimate end of redemptive charity toward one's neighbor. (Const. 36)
Let our brothers honor the Most Holy Trinity with all their strength and special devotion, and seek in their own lives to "make present and almost visible God the Father and His incarnate Son, renewing and purifying themselves continually under the guidance of the Holy Spirit."
Our brethren conformed themselves to Christ the Redeemer in the exercise of works of mercy and, paying veneration and love to him, they exercised heroic virtues in redeeming slaves and succoring the sick sometimes stricken even by the plague, with danger even to their lives.
Let the brothers, in order to grow daily in holiness and bear more abundant fruits of the apostolate, nurture feelings of filial piety and true devotion for the Virgin Mary, and foment her cult, venerating her, under the title of Blessed Mary Virgin of Good Remedy, the principal patroness in our Order.
The Most Holy Trinity is the moving principle and by new title, the supreme reason for our apostolate, the task of which is to place ourselves at the service of the universal and particular Church, in works of charity and the sacred mystery, according to the charism proper to the Order.
Our Order also carries out the work of evangelization in a direct form in the mission lands themselves; what, in truth responds to our spirit, heritage and tradition.
Our Order is available for the manifold work of the apostolate and the various initiatives of the pastoral task of the Church. With full awareness and commitment, it works in local churches, and willingly takes part in pastoral ministry.
In the Clementine Hall, the Pontiff receives in audience the participants of the general chapter of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Captives, gathered these days to reflect on youth and vocational ministry. Also elected was the new General Minister: Father Luigi Buccarello.
The Order of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Captives consists of :
4 provinces, 1 vice-province and 4 vicariates with a total of 559 religious.
Many States in the USA
Latin America : Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico
Europe : Austria, Francia, Italia, Polonia, Spagna
Africa : Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville, Gabon, Madagascar, Morocco
Asia : Middle East (countries cannot be specified for security reasons), South Korea, Philippines, India, Vietnam
Many States in the USA
Latin America : Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico
Europe : Austria, Francia, Italia, Polonia, Spagna
Africa : Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville, Gabon, Madagascar, Morocco
Asia : Middle East (countries cannot be specified for security reasons), South Korea, Philippines, India, Vietnam
The Trinitarian Family is composed of brothers, sisters and lay people who bear the name of the Trinity as their appellation and recognize John of Matha as their father. They all participate in his same redeeming Trinitarian charism and continue in history his mission of: glory of the Trinity and redemption of the captives of our time.
We are members of the Trinitarian Family: the Trinitarian religious, the Trinitarian contemplative nuns, the Trinitarian sisters of Valence (France), the Trinitarian sisters of Rome, the Trinitarian sisters of Valencia (Spain), the Trinitarian sisters of Madrid (Uqrquijo), the Trinitarian sisters of Mallorca, the Trinitarian mothers of Seville (Beaterio), the Oblates of the Holy Trinity (Rome) and the Trinitarian laity.
Brothers in the international service of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Captives