In fidelity to origins … in a continuous process of renewal
Here you will find a video in which the ministry carried out by our Order is explained.
Aside from the collective reform which the Vatican Council II imposed on the Church, the Trinitarian Order started an intense process of renovation, of seeking its identity, of recovering the charism of the Founder and of responding to the signs and challenges of the last quarter of the XX century. The new Constitutions, approved by the General Chapter of 1983 and confirmed by Rome in 1984, gathers and passes on the foundational charism, shaped in the Rule, to the new historic situation and its challenges, defining the essential elements of the Trinitarian identity:
The original charismatic unity of the Trinitarian mystic and service of redemption and mercy. The Most Holy Trinity as an inexhaustible source of Charity which is shown in the service of redemption and mercy: Glory to the Trinity and liberty to the captives.
The experience of the Trinity perceiving the Trinitarian vocation as a call to be signs of the mystery of the Christian God giving personal and collective witness that the God of Jesus is Love, Liberty, Communion, Trinity, the God of the brothers in captivity.
The Service of Liberation accomplished in various forms: listening to the new captivities from where the groans are heard again which went to the heart of the founder; being attentive to the brothers whose faith runs the danger of staggering or falling; offering a service of complete liberation to the captive brother in all his dimensions, and develop the work of evangelization, both in mission lands as in countries traditionally christian.
The life especially consecrated to the Most Holy Trinity constitutes, from its origin, an essential element and characteristic of the patrimony of the Trinitarian Order. From this Trinitarian awareness flows all its spiritual and liturgical, religious, community and apostolic life, and its permanent renovation. The spirit of the Order, its project and way of life proceeds from the root of Charity.
■ Considering the evolution and progress of society, the Trinitarian Order offers a service of mercy and redemption:
■ To those persecuted because of Christ or those whose Christian faith is in danger or hindered;
■ To those who are deprived of the rights of liberty and justice, to the poor and abandoned, by helping them with works of mercy and initiatives of assistance and advancement;
■ To the people who still do not believe in Christ, assuming the work of spreading the Gospel and to implant the Church in their midst;
■ To the faithful, to help them and strengthen them in the faith with ministerial service in the various works which the Church gives it.
In their life together, let the Brothers strive to live the perfect communion which exists among the Divine Persons by showing unity in plurality and plurality in unity. The Trinitarian community originates and grows from an intimate communion with God. This communion blooms in a special way in the frequent hearing and sharing of God’s Word and in the celebration of the liturgy, particularly the Eucharist and Penance. The community thrives and propers through a frank and open communication among the Brothers. This communication is evidenced by frequent interpersonal and communitarian dialogue, by the cordial acceptance of each other, by a joyful sharing of spiritual and temporal goods, and by rendering each other a service of charity that comes from the heart. (Const. 32 and 42)
The doctrinal foundations for the spirituality of the Order are the primary dogmas of our faith: Trinity and Redemption. This spirituality is transformed into life and action when the Brothers, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, strive to imited Christ:
■ Consecrating oneself to the Holy Trinity in the practice of counseling, liturgy, asceticism and prayer;
■ Working actively for the material and spiritual good of the oppressed, the derelict, the needy and those who for whatever reason, are in danger of losing their faith.
■ The mystery of the Trinity is considered by the brothers especially as God-Love, and therefore as the primary source, highest example and ultimate goal of redemptive charity toward one’s neighbor. (Cost. 36)
I The Brothers shall do their best to honor the Most Holy Trinity with the special devotion, and they shall strive to make God the Fathers and His Incarnate Son present and in a sense visible in their lives, by constant self-renewal and purification, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. By word and deed, the Trinitarians Brothers will work constantly to promote the worship of and the devotion of the Most Holy Trinity. Using contemporary methods, they will strive to achieve these goals, so that every person may know and love the One-and-Triune God. (Cost. 50 e 73)
Our forefathers to take Christ the Redeemer as their model and, following his example with love and dedication, they carried out works of mercy, redeemed slaves with heroic virtue, and cared for the sick, even those who at times were afflicted with the pestilence and constituted a risk of their very lives. Our Brothers zealously strive to be as intensely compassionate as Christ the Redeemer; let them meditate constantly on the mystery of his passion; let them render homage to Jesus’ captivity and sufferings by celebrating with solemnity the feast of Jesus the Nazarean. (Cost. 51)
In order to grow daily in holiness and to be more effective in the apostolate, let the Brothers honor the Virgin Mary with sense of filial love and a genuine devotion. According to the Order’s ancient tradition, let them promote her devotion by venerating her as the principal patroness of the Order under the title of the Blessed Virgin of Good Remedy. Let them honor Mary by reciting the rosary and celebrating her votive Mass and Liturgy of the Hours on Saturday, when the rubrics allow. (Cost. 52)
With the Holy Trinity as its dynamic principle and ultimate motivation, the Order’s apostolate is to serve the universal and local Church through endeavors of charity and through the sacred ministry, which are to performed according to the Order’s specific charism. Love and redemption give life and form to the whole apostolate of the Order; through these the Brothers share in and bear witness to the love of the Holy Trinity in the work of humankind’s salvation. Adhering to the Founder’s intention and attentive to the needs of the Church, the Brothers are bound to carry out an apostolate of mercy and redemption on behalf of those whose faith is in danger They will direct this work also to those who are burdened by the yoke of some form of modern slavery.
The Brothers are obliged to promote these works of charity and redemption through their own diligent and creative labor and by eliciting the cooperation of other members of the Trinitarian Family, of benefactors and other men and women of good will. Moreover, in keeping with the spirit of the Order?s Rule and tradition in regard to the division of material goods, the Brothers will set aside from their income what is necessary for their own moderate sustenance and will employ the balance for performing works of mercy and redemption, especially on behalf of those who are suffering because of their faith. (Cost. 64, 67 e 68)
Our Order, too, is directly involved in the work of Evangelization carrying out this task in missionary lands. This work is within the scope of the spirit of the Order and belongs to its tradition and patrimony.
In the missions, the Order advances the redemption of the human race, carries out its specific works of charity and apostolate, and raises up new sanctuaries and temples for the Holy Trinity through baptism. (Cost. 71)
Our Order is open to the many forms of apostolate and the various endeavors that are connected with the pastoral responsibility of the Church. The Brothers work with full awareness and zeal in the local Church and undertake the pastoral ministry with generous spirit, according to the needs of the places and of the People of God; this they should do in such a way that they effect and evince in the diocese the specific witness and genuine mission of their Order. (Cost. 72)
A ministry of redemption for persecuted Christians